When we think of public assistance programs, the first thing that comes to mind socio-economic status. Americans have degraded the mission of public assistance programs and has labeled it as a crutch for those that do not wish to work and strive for better. While on one hand I can agree with that point, there is another part of me that believes that they deserve the same opportunities that were afforded to individuals in the 1930’s during the conception of Welfare. Following the Great Depression, Welfare in America became a bases for financial reform. Everyone across the board was doing pretty bad and as a result the federal government sought to provide everyone with a crutch,; stepping stone. The same form of support the less fortunate today need to get by. It is my opinion that most people on public assistance would rather not be. They would prefer to have the means to provide for themselves in a way that would afford them the ability to feed their families,pay their bills, etc. without having to stand in a line, meet with a self sufficiency counselor, or any other person that would have to look into their finances and conclude their need for assistance. The less fortunate are plagued with the stamp of laziness when in actuality that may not fact.
Working hard does not always mean the need is fulfilled. We have all met the lower income family that may have a mother and father in the home, working and striving hard to make ends meet, or the college student that has no means (striving for better), however they never seem to. As a result they are forced to take on additional jobs and most demeaning of all have to apply for assistance programs to feed their families. It is simply a form of assistance to help them on their quest to doing better. An individual that is attending school, working at even a minimum wage job, etc. is trying. As the economy grows these people should be able to relieve themselves of the public assistant need. Reforming our educational system is the first step to overall growth.
In short, public assistance programs can be viewed in many ways, in many different situations. However, we must remember that everyone is not on assistance by choice and tat there is actually a need. I do not believe that public assistance programs should be obsolete. I think they should remain as they have served their purpose, we cannot allow political gain and social reform the hand in our assisting fellow Americans.
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